- Please, complete enrollment for one student at a time
- Please create an account to be able to purchase a class. If you are already logged in and see My profile blue button in the right upper corner you proceed to VIEW CLASSES otherwise click sign in/sign up
- After you logged in into your account you can scroll down and click on the VIEW CLASSES button on the bottom of your account page.
- If for some reason you don’t want to sign in, you can leave our site and pay your tuition via your Venmo to @multiculturalschool or via your PayPal to heritagemulticulturalschool@gmail.com Please, specify your class, student name and instructor in the WHAT’S FOR field
- All classes have a minimum enrollment limit ( 3 students unless specified otherwise ) . If the requirement is not met you will be offered either a refund or a private /semi-private class.
- This year we don’t request a registration fee. If you have a life time registration with us please contact us before enrolling in classes, we will provide you a discount.
- We provide a discount if you enroll your child or children in 3 or more classes, , except for SAT prep classes. However, we provide a discount if you enroll in both Math and English SAT Preparation classes.
- Refer us to your friends and enjoy a discount for each referral that leads to enrollment.
- Our classes are not refundable!
- Most of our teachers would try to adjust their schedules to accommodate your needs, that’s why a lot of classes have TBD instead of the schedule.
- If you are interested in a particular subject and we don’t see it please send us a request and we might be able to create new class.
- CONTACT US if you have any questions. Also, visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page

Group Classes Will Restart in September